Archived gas tank repository
Interested in a dissolved gas sample from the 1980s?
Our group maintains an archive of ~500 gas tanks containing dissolved gases extracted from large seawater samples (collected in ~275 L Gerard Barrels) by Bill Smethie (LDEO) in the 1980s. The samples have been carefully stored and were recently relocated to WHOI, where they will be kept and made available to the broader community for analysis.
If you are interested in analyzing a subsample, please email to discuss your sample size requirements.
For more information:
The map to the right shows the locations of all oceanographic stations at which samples were collected (note that many stations include samples from multiple depths)
The database below (preliminary version) contains a list of all available samples and relevant metadata (including location, depth, and physical + biogeochemical oceanographic data from bottle measurements made at the time of collection).
TTO project (Brewer et al., 1985)
Extraction method (Smethie and Mathie, 1986)